Your Condemnation … Part 2
To Those Who So Readily
Dispense "Advice"
Pause and actually Attempt
to touch those Lofty Heights
in which you ludicrously
Imagine Yourself to dwell
... BEFORE ...
you unleash an Onslaught at someone
from your well-stocked
Armoury of Ignorance.
"He that answereth a matter
before he heareth it,
it is folly and shame unto him."
I find myself strangely Unconcerned
that The Masses
find my desire to Reconcile
and Find Peace ...
to be "Wrong".
After all, "The Offending Pair"
in an Adulterous Relationship
should never
have Any Peace
after what ... "They Have Done".
Because of their "offence"
To an Abusive Spouse,
they must Serve and Grovel
to their Bully
( whom they have so brutally Wronged ),
for the remainder of their lives.
Anything less than that is, of course,
"proof" ... of their Lack of Remorse
for their Infidelity.
MY POINT ... ?
I HAVE the ( apparently )
Bizarre Notion ... that A Marriage
A Licence
For One Spouse to treat the Other
With Contempt And Derision
On an almost Daily Basis.
Unlike The Mass Multitudes, who
(evidently) regard Marriage to be
A Perfectly Acceptable Reason
for either a husband, or a wife ...
to repeatedly Berate, Degrade, or
Bully their spouse ... whom they
treat like Property.
Precious Few Armchair "Experts"
To Ask what the home situation was like
for The Offending Spouse.
Multitudes of Self-Righteous Thugs
not only Know Nothing of the Situation beforehand,
they Make No Effort
to inquire about Why
the Offender entered the adulterous affair
In The First Place.
It interferes with the Delight promised from
potentially abusing someone,
while at the same time, manifesting
( what they impudently imagine to be )
their profound "virtue".
Such creatures are nothing more than
Self-Righteous, Bullies who enjoy the opportunity
to wallow in their own Arrogant Conceit,
Presumption, and Ignorance.
I confess to being Quite Content
to care little for the "Opinions"
of such Individuals.
A Personal Thought ... for Modern Minds
A dog on a chain may be given food:
Acknowledgement is not Affection.
Marriage Vows are made in the Trust
and the Belief that the person presented
During Courtship,
is THE SAME person whom I will marry.
Should married life reveal that my Intended
'put on a show' ...
then my Vow
was obtained by deceit.
The very fact that certain men or women
Return to ( and Do Not Leave )
the daily disappointment of marriage
to an indifferent spouse,
… is testimony TO their Integrity
and evidence of a Benevolent character
that is unwilling to ruin
the life of the less-than-honest spouse
who tailored their conduct
Prior to Marriage.
Requiring Humility, Empathy, and Discernment,
such a Situation is beyond the Understanding
of Ignorant Know-It-Alls
who delight in the opportunity to spew malice
at someone of whose circumstances …
they are Wilfully Ignorant.
A Suggestion To Self-Appointed "Experts"
While You may be happy with your
Employer-Employee marriage -
the house … the money … the stuff -
a few tender-hearted souls marry
out of yearning to give
- And Receive -
Affectionate Love ...
Only to realise, later,
that they are a Possession -
And will never be given that.
Your existence, "Expert",
is not The Standard
experienced by everyone in this world.
And ... Do not even think
of scrambling to reply with some puerile retort
... or gratifying your bestial nature
by hurling Vicious Invective
at Me.
There is NO Filthy Profanity,
Contempt, or Vile Abuse
that a Sadistic Creature such as You
could level at Me ...
that I would not receive as an Honour
and a Compliment.
Because Your scathing Insult
means that You
Place Me
at the Opposite End of the Human Spectrum
from Yourself.
And That - Is Precisely
Where I Am.
Lose the Smug Arrogance and Scathing Contempt.
If YOU have been afforded the feeling
of actually being Esteemed
by YOUR spouse …
Cherish it.
There are those, in this Life,
Who Have Not.
P Livingstone
Via C. Battisti
30035 Mirano, VE, Italia
sunnandæg, 17 solmonað, 2008