Your Condemnation … Part 1
her sweotolað on ðissum gewrite
efenþrówunge - EMPATHY.
fram ðisum láreówe ġeāsciġe wisdóm.
NOTICE: This Monograph was written
in response to Brutality that was
being inflicted upon an individual
who had expressed sorrow
over an Adulterous Affair ...
for which Admission,
a deluge of profanity-punctuated Evil
was being directed by - observably -
Crude Humanity inflicting Savagery
under the pretence of "Moral Virtue".
The choice of words, grammar, and
sentiment, is more than enough
to reveal such Vicious Beasts
to be either -
1. Themselves, Abusive Bullies
who delight in inflicting Misery
upon others.
2. Perverse Fantasists
who maintain that Neglect or Abuse
is Perfectly Acceptable in a Marriage.
3. Weak-willed Emotional Infants
whose thought processes
( such as they are ) are too Simplistic
to grasp the Concept that People
Can Be Abused Within Marriage
... and then Threatened or Black-mailed into
Enduring and Never Leaving ...
because they "Took A Vow".
I have spent more than 50 years
withstanding the Savagery of Humanity
... and one Observation has been
made clear throughout those years …
There are People enduring Sorrow,
or Misery, or depths of Profound
Disappointment ... that would Crush
an Enfeebled Mental Infant such as
these … who are so quick
to dispense their Scathing Rebuke.
Yes, some who are enduring
Situations that Your Ignorance cannot Imagine,
may well respond to their Personal Distress
by making decisions which they will later Regret.
Their Failings
are No Licence
For The Arrogance and Viciousness
of Your Contempt.
You are a Bully.
And like any Sadist,
YOU find immense Satisfaction in
inflicting Abuse when opportunity permits.
It Makes You Feel Superior.
Addressing Ignorance
Have The Conscience and Integrity to
... FIND OUT if there is A Reason
You Degrade a Person's Character.
A Defence of Adultery ... ?
Not in the least.
What the following IS however,
is Condemnation of those Brute Beasts
- Men and Women -
who use Marriage as a licence to
Subjugate and
their spouses who discovered
- all too late,
that the Individual whom they had been Courting
... is NOT the person
to whom they are now married.
This Monograph is directed at
Self-centred, Cruel Bullies
who Use Marriage
as a Weapon
to Degrade their spouse.
The Garbage of Your Life ?
It may be that YOU are able
to glibly carry on with life,
wholly unconcerned that a once dear friend
decided that you were No Longer Required
in their life.
Or that that person
now lives contentedly every day ...
as though you never existed.
That may not bother You at all.
But, it bothers Me.
I am well Aware
that the Contemporary Nothingness of the 21st century
would advocate that I … "Get Over It"
because, after all,
Self Serving Apathy
and Superficiality ... IS
the level of Empathy in Modern Humanity.
I am well aware that having a
Moral Conscience, and the Desire for
Peace and Harmony with Someone for whom I Care
will always place me at odds
with the Superficial Nothingness
of the 21st century
and its Self-Deifying Hordes.
Modern Humanity is Utterly Ruthless -
Self Obsessed with being "superior"
in every situation.
Far too Lazy to Search, or
Question, or Examine
whether they should rather, apply their scathing rebuke
to Themselves.
Being Impudent enough to forward"advice"
- about ANY Personal matter -
Without First Having Asked For The Context
of The Situation ...
is to dispense Arrogance,
Presumption, and Ignorance.
( After all, Nothing Else could ... Ever
lead a person to the arms of another
but ... Lust ... and Sex ! )
The only thing that Self-Deified Arbiters need to know is -
"Which One Was Unfaithful".
so that they can Savour the Satisfaction
of spewing their "wisdom" ...
while knowing The Sum Total Of Nothing.
Being ( of course ) utterly Blind to
The Appalling Irony:
Regarding themselves as Pillars of Moral Decency
... they - dispense Viciousness.
Mental, Emotional (to say nothing of) Physical
Would NEVER Occur to such
Paragons of Virtue.
It would require Empathy to even Consider
that constant Disparagement ... Just Might ...
have led a quiet, gentle, and defeated
Man or Woman
to seek solace in the company
of someone who treated him or her
as though he or she Actually Mattered.
It would require a Mind Capable of Considered Discernment
to recognise that Multitudes of the Married
are so pre-occupied with gratifying
Their Own Ambition, Career, and Entertainment,
that they do not Appreciate
that the wife or husband who lives beside them
... is little more than a servant
or Toy … used to Gratify Lust.
P Livingstone
Via C. Battisti
30035 Mirano, VE, Italia
sunnandæg, 17 solmonað, 2008 / 17 February, 2008