In this Age where truth is despised …
and advocating Moderation,
Self Control, and Common Decency
is regarded as ‘hate speech’ ...
My heart breaks for little children today.
Most especially, I suppose, for girls
who are - evidently - being taught
that it is somehow a shame, or weakness,
to want to behave or dress
... Like a Lady.
Suggest that this 21st century version of woman
wear a dress, nylons, and feminine shoes
… and ( more likely than not )
you will be met with a look of disgust …
- if not outright aggression
( which aptly demonstrates how far women,
generally, have plummeted in Dignity. )
You will, certainly, be Called Names
- the Mark of Impudence that was once
the SOLE Domain of Cruel, Immature
Sadistic little boys in a schoolyard …
is Now STANDARD behaviour
for the 21st century “adult”.
I remember a time when women found it
no humiliation to be feminine
… nor felt the need to imitate Crude,
Vicious, Aggressive, and Vulgar men.
When I was growing up in the 1960’s and ’70’s,
girls still had some level of Sophistication.
In Dress. In Manner.
Those days … are long gone.
For any Young Woman possessing a tender heart,
a few Thoughts and Observations …
Modern society does not find it shocking
for a 15-year old to copulate like a rodent
… But the 19 year old who remains a virgin
is … "weird".
For a teenage girl to expose breasts and midriff
is “fashionable” …
But the girl who dresses modestly
is a ... “prude”.
And certainly, the whole modern world … KNOWS
( don’t they ? ) … that,
If a girl or woman is quiet, lady-like,
and consistently seen to be wearing a dress
… she is … “in a religious cult”.
So Perverse has the modern mind become that,
if a teenager can be found who can NOT
recite the sexually obscene lyrics
of the latest “pop” song
if a boy reads books, rather than
putrefies his brains on computer games …
or his sister cherishes family values
and exercises standards
of Moral Restraint …
they are deemed to be “brainwashed”
… “victims” of ‘child abuse’,
having been denied the “freedom”
to experience modern culture.
“Modern Culture?”
A society that is characterised by Self Esteem
- Vanity, Greed, Hedonism; Ambition, Commercialism,
the Absence of Self Discipline;
Filthy Language as ‘conversation’
… and Cinematic Violence where Vengeance,
Torture, and Sexual Promiscuity,
is regarded as 'Entertainment' …
Is … “Culture” ?
This is a society in which “parents”
allow their teens to attend ‘house parties;
roam the streets at all hours;
or go “clubbing” amidst the deafening noise
of an inherent liquor-and-drug culture …
But think it AB-normal
for a teen to attend a church youth group
and be home by ten - out of respect
for their parents’ who raised them.
As a teenager in the 1970’s,
I was never out past ten o’clock.
Never Needed to be.
Never Wanted to be.
In excusing Depravity,
those who find their enjoyment in Darkness,
Noise, Vulgarity, or Indecency,
will exclaim:
“Oh, but, remember when YOU were a teen !”
I Do.
to … JUDGE !!!
It Used to be Known as “DISCERNMENT”.
“A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast …”
More than a few young women
would have saved themselves a lifetime
of misery and grievous disappointment
IF they would have taken the time
to look at the way a ‘boyfriend’
treats the animals that are dependent
upon his care.
Before you commit yourself to any man, woman,
“friend”, or potential business partner,
give them plenty of opportunity ... to talk.
And LISTEN To Them.
Listen to how they talk about people who are
Moral, Quiet, and Benevolent …
about their own parents …
about their pets … or
the livestock on their family farm.
And Discern the nature of the “tree” …
by the “fruit” that it bears.
Where an animal is involved ... Look.
Open your eyes.
Observe …
about what you see.
Look at the Family Dog.
is it kept on a chain, a rope,
confined to a dog-house that is damp,
without clean bedding, or just plain filthy ?
Does the cleanliness of food and water dishes
indicate that they are washed daily ?
Is the dog placed in the back of a moving pickup truck
to brace itself in order to minimise being thrown about,
or even thrown over the side?
Does it noticeably cringe, quiver, or startle ?
Or ‘snap to attention’ – instantly,
whenever his owner comes near ?
One is resigned to a potential beating.
The other agitates to avoid one.
One is timid, defeated.
The Other is terrified.
People Lie.
A Dog will not.
To any thoughtful teenage girl,
I would say simply that:
Any 'man' who does not show
Tender Compassion for an animal in their care
… will NEVER show genuine Compassion
No matter how self-deluded you may wish to be.
Many a young woman has said of a savage brute:
“I will change him”.
… Will You?
An illustration:
I will stand on the floor beside a table.
You climb up, and stand upon the table.
Now …
Lift me up to where you are.
Will you succeed?
But it is Most Unlikely.
Wise Elders, Mature Adults, and Experienced Teachers
have now been replaced by any brazen,
profanity-spewing Tom, Dick, or Harriet
having a computer, and a camera.
Beware of anyone who is constantly
prating on about Themselves,
their Possessions, or
their Endeavours.
As five minutes on the Internet will clearly reveal
… in the 21st century, men and women
delight to degrade and pervert
that is Moral.
People Pursue Pleasure … and Despise Virtue.
And anything that dares to conflict with
My Personal Opinion
is regarded
as “hate speech”.
Those who are Vicious
have no Conscience whatsoever,
about defaming or destroying the character
of Anyone who excels them in Moral Integrity.
In a society of savages,
Brutal, Vicious, Loud, and Aggressive
… is regarded as “strength".
There is something, for me, about seeing
aggression, vulgar filth, and profane obscenities
disgorged from the mouth or mind of a woman …
that simply fills me with an overwhelming Realisation
that ‘All Is Lost’.
I would not like to be a moral, conscientious,
young man or woman starting out in life today …
because there IS No Moral Centre
in the world today.
Young woman, Be a Lady
- rather than an Object;
Be a Lady - rather than some pathetic imitation
of an aggressive, posturing savage.
If - IF … you have a tender heart and a discerning mind,
they will be the greatest possessions
that you will Ever own.
Never allow them
to be taken away from you.
P Livingstone
Via C. Battisti
30035 Mirano, VE, Italia
tīwesdæġ, 18 hrēðmōnað, 2008 / 18 March, 2008